Monday, April 27, 2009

Stay Focused to Build Muscle - 7 Tips to Workout Succes

If you are engaged in any workout or muscle building routine then you have probably come across times where you get in a slump losing your focus and determination. It’s like you get off track and you just can’t seem to get back on again. Having just come out of a cough and cold that ravaged my system, I was faced with this kind of a slump and it does not feel good.

Luckily, I got an e-mail from Vince DelMonte, whose muscle building program I use, on just this topic. He recommends the following tips to keep you pumped up and moving whether you are not making it to the gym at all or just not maximizing the time you do spend there.

  1. Find a buddy to workout with. If you can find a partner who you think you may be able to work with you can use each other to motivate and inspire yourselves to work harder and more consistently. Be sure to make your intentions clear before beginning this partnership. You are not there to talk about the state of the economy etc. but to keep you working to your limit and beyond. Save the social commentary for a later time and use your partner to get feedback on technique and encouragement to work to your maximum potential.
  2. Use your Ipod if you have one. Or if not treat yourself to one. Find some new music that will help keep you fired up and moving. Good upbeat music is perfect for keeping you excited about your workout giving you a rhythm and flow to take you to the end. This is also a powerful tool for keeping you focused by blocking the distraction of background noise and the possible interference of other members.
  3. Ingest the proper pre-workout meal. Vince recommends 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein about 90 minutes before your workout. Some healthy combinations are eggs and oatmeal or pasta and tuna or cottage cheese and fruit. Having the proper nutrition to fuel an energetic workout is essential. Go to the gym having eaten a healthy energy-boosting meal and you will be ready to push yourself to reach new heights in your muscle building career.
  4. Bring your weight lifting program with you to the gym. Having the printed program will ensure that you know exactly which exercises to do with the right number of reps, sets and weights. It’s also a good idea to review the program before you get to the gym. This allows you to flow from one exercise to the next maximizing the time you are there which definitely improves your focus and motivation. So don’t depend on that good memory, plan ahead for a successful workout every time.
  5. Review your goals often. Reminding yourself about why you want to strengthen your body can help keep you moving in the right direction. You’ll find yourself working harder if you can be specific about what it is you want to accomplish. So rather than a vague “be healthy” as a goal, how about looking buff for your upcoming vacation or wedding or competition. By training harder you will see results sooner which will keep you more focused on attaining your goals.
  6. Use a stop watch. Vince calls this “keeping your workout honest”. Stick to whatever the recommended rest periods are to maximize your muscle gain as well as to keep your momentum and focus. You are also less likely to get distracted by others which can disrupt your rhythym
  7. Caffeinate! Vince says he has some of his best workouts when he has a good strong cup of coffee about one hour before going to the gym. I love the brew myself so this works for me but I’m not sure I would begin this habit just for weight training. For us coffee drinkers that caffeine will increase your heart rate, tighten your muscles and release glucose into the bloodstream for extra energy.
You can use any or all of these tips to help keep you focused and motivated. As always, find out what works best for you and stick with it. Soon all the benefits of your muscle building routine will begin to manifest with a trim, toned body that you will be proud of.

Click here if you would like to try out Vince's No Nonsense Muscle Building. He is offering a trial period of his program for $19.95. Give it a try to begin creating your strong, healthy body.

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